Pastor Johnny Scott

These Things I Leave You - Communion

Deeper Dive. -  Jesus is a Foodie.  

Ever go to a nice place with someone and they order chicken strips?  I’m not talking about McDonalds but more like a nice steak or seafood place  I always ask them if they want crayons for their placemat (IN JOKING!!) There is something to be said for a refined pallet.  

The ministry of Jesus is all about Food. Have you ever had a meal with someone when there was conflict?  Doesn’t go well. You just aren’t hungry right?  Ever had a meal with dear friends and you stay forever, people are putting up chairs and the laughing doesn’t stop, the sharing.  

Jesus ate all the way through his ministry. There is actually a book about it. Eats with Sinners by Arron Chambers

Reaching Hungry People Like Jesus Did

Think of His life and ministry for a minute: 

Jesus:  first miracle at a celebration.

Jesus goes to Zacchaeus house

Jesus feeds 5,000

Jesus (God meats with mosses and sets the entire 

Jesus makes our bodies to NEED food. 

We are wrapped around food.  Spiritually.  Physically, emotionally, 

There is a book about the beginning  of Israel as a people and how all their connection to God is wrapped up in banquets.

The Feasts of the Lord Howard Rosenthanl

Deeper Dive Weekly Bible Reading Plan

Exodus 12-13

Matthew 26:26-28

Luke 22:14-20

1 Corinthians 11:24-25

 Extended Reading:

The Feasts of the Lord Howard Rosenthanl

Eats with Sinners by Arron Chambers

Reaching Hungry People Like Jesus Did

Point of Reference

I mentioned two other books this weekend in the messages. One was a church leadership book I am reading this week called “Canoeing in the Mountains by Tod Bolsinger from Fuller Theological Seminary in CA.:  Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory. 

I also mentioned another book that shaped my ideology on worship services over twenty years ago when much of North America was involved in the ‘worship relevancy wars’ that shaped many of our churches in the Restoration Movement today.

Sally Morganthaler -‘Worship Evangelism” 

Weekly Challenge

Have a communion meal this week with some fellow believers and intentionally talk about Jesus the whole meal.  Practice remembering Him during your meal.  Talk about his ministry on earth in the gospels.  Then talk about what He is doing now. Give everyone a chance to testify to what God is doing in their life RIGHT NOW.  This embodies the idea of 1 Corinthians 11:26 more than anything!  Every person around the table, lifting up a cup and “proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.”